Alabama Florist Locators

For those of you who are in the Alabama area and want to know the location of your local florist complete with information - other information, I give below the list. Please find and choose the location closest to your area of residence.

Many Types Of Flower Businesses

Many Types Of Flower Businesses - Flowers is play a major part in our life. Their delicate beauty allows us to convey messages to loved ones for all sorts of special occasions. If you love flowers and recognize its role in human relationship, you might want to start your own flower shop. The first step is to determine the kind of service you want to provide. There are three kinds of flowers services:

1. A wholesale florist supplies retailers with potted plants and fresh-cut flowers through flower markets or direct delivery to flower shops. Some wholesale florists grow their own flowers as well. This type of service will require years of knowledge, experience, and a larger capital. One should be knowledgeable in the basics of maintaining fresh inventory and the supply chain involved in flower transport. A lot of commitment is involved in this type of flowers business and this is recommended for more experienced entrepreneurs.

2. A retail florist service is suitable for entrepreneurs who love flowers and love talking to clients. A florist does more than just sell flowers - they sell the informations and art of arranging flowers. There are several ways to approach flower retailing. The key element is the skills and knowledge in floral design, arrangement, and care. One of the most flexible characteristics this business is it allows you to set up shop in almost any type of location. Flower shops can be located in hospitals, shopping malls, grocery stores, or street stalls depending on your business objectives and available capital. It is also a good complimentary business to restaurants and gift shops. Retail florists also have the option to narrow down their products and services into niche categories for weddings, funerals, or gifts.

3. A Floral products supplier or florist supplies sells complimentary items used by florists in making arrangements. This involves selling items such as vases, ribbons, floral foam, baskets, and other similar supplies. If you are the type of person that wants a flower related business but does not want to deal with the highly perishable nature of flowers, this may be the right business for you. This business type will require an extensive inventory management, distribution and delivery system.

In any type of flower business, expect your clients to ask many questions. You may need some basic knowledge in plant nutrition, soil, light control, and the like. You would be at a greater advantage if you have formal education in floriculture. If you do not have enough education or experience, get a feel for it by working for a flower related business before starting one on your own.

In addition to this, remember that the location of your shop can make or break the business. It has to be placed in an area with enough walk-by and drive-by traffic, or at a location that's convenient for your customers. Look at your budget and try to find the best location you can afford. Try to look out for spaces with parking facilities, space for future expansion, and good neighborhood quality.

Just like any other business, you need understand how business works. Besides making innovative flower arrangements, you will need to know all about buying, selling, accounting, managing costs, planning profits, and marketing for your flower shop to succeed.
By: Timothy Spencer
( source : Article Directory: )

How to Getting Florist Supplies

How to Getting Florist Supplies - To become a prominent, successful florist, you need natural talent in floral designing, and excellent skills to go with it. However, those are not the only things you need in your arsenal if you want to make it big. You also need the proper florist supplies to back you up and to work with. Always keep that in mind.
The most elementary of all your florist supplies is your floral foam. Your floral foam is a block of foam that holds and keeps your flowers in place; it is the foundation of your work. There are two kinds of floral foams that florists usually use. These are the wet floral foam and the Styrofoam.

When you are making use of real fresh flowers, it is advised that you a wet floral foam, because wet floral foams are capable of absorbing much water to feed your flowers and to sustain the life of the flowers. However, if your medium is silk flowers or dried flowers, a professional will instruct you to make use of the Styrofoam.

When you have a supply of good floral foam to work with, you can then worry about the rest of your supplies like the flowers, the vases, the vase filters, the water tubes and other equipment. These florist supplies can be purchased in various floral markets online and offline, and sometimes, even at Do It Yourself stores and big hardware shops. The important thing is that when purchasing your materials and tools, you make sure to get merchandise of good quality for a reasonable price.

There are various ways to do this. You can purchase previously used supplies, wait for the holiday discounts at various stores and retailers, or you can buy wholesale florist supplies. Yes, you read right; you save more money without sacrificing quality when you deal with wholesalers.

If you buy wholesale florist supplies, you will be able to buy the best and most reliable florist supplies in the market for a lesser price. Why? Because when purchasing wholesale florist supplies, you are able to eliminate the 'middle man' in the business cycle or the retailer, who in actuality purchases wholesale supplies and retails them for a higher price. Another good thing about this business orientation is that you can be a retailer of the wholesale florist supplies you purchased.

Taking the first big step to becoming a successful florist (which is purchasing the proper florist supplies), is not an easy thing to do. It is not cheap and will most likely stretch your budget. But, it is necessary, and you will reap the benefits once you are successful.

Don't wait too long, take that first big step towards achieving your success. You're a good floral arranger and you know it. Collect your florist supplies ASAP.

By: Norm Wilks

Source ( Article Directory: )